December 19, 2024 Dear readers and the ADN community, Welcome to our sixth Newsletter for the Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN). ADN is a global-local membership network of 900+ members representing 800+ organisations across 94 countries. ADN is dedicated to finding…
Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA)
Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) By Ms Lauren Macleod and Prof Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett The Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) was launched on 19 September 2024 in Odisha, India, as an outcome of two research projects:…
Tsunami Deaths Project
Tsunami Deaths Project By Dr Hideyuki Shiroshita New Hama’s Junior Champions have been influenced by their senior champions’ work—shooting films for tsunami disaster risk reduction. This year, 50 new Junior Champions, who are 5th-grade pupils of Hama Elementary School in…
Drowning in LMIC Settings
Drowning in LMIC Settings By Mr Lasith Dissanayake Drowning is a serious and neglected public health threat, causing morbidity and mortality worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death, accounting…
Reproductive Health in Disasters Project
Reproductive Health in Disasters Project By Prof Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett and Dr Te Klangboonkrong The project entitled “Prototyping Reproductive Health (RH) Kits for Disasters and Crises” is a continuation of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) funded evidence-based intervention project…
ADN Junior Champion Magazine
ADN Junior Champion Magazine By Arkoneil Ghosh and Anushka Konar The second issue of the ADN Junior Champion Magazine (ISSN 2759-0380) focuses on children and youth’s experiences of disasters in Bangladesh. This edition, published on 13 October to mark ‘International…
Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths
Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths By Abdullahi O. Umar The Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN) celebrated the first year of the global campaign, International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD) throughout March 2024. The global campaign, a significant…
Affiliate Project Update
Missing Persons Project By Dr Aditya Ghosh Disasters induced by climatic changes are producing social and economic stress of unprecedented complexity and scale across vulnerable regions. Apart from direct losses and damages resulting from these disasters, there are acute social…
ADN Country Chapter Updates
ADN Country Chapter Updates By Abdullahi O. Umar ADN has two country chapters, and this article provides an update from Bangladesh and India. Bangladesh: Dr Fatima Akter hosts the ADN Bangladesh Chapter at the University of Dhaka. In 2024, the…
Perspectives on Avoidable Deaths
Mr Mihir Bhatt’s Perspective on Avoidable Deaths Mr Mihir Bhatt’s Interview Transcript Do you believe it is possible to achieve the Sendai Framework’s first two global targets? The first target is to substantially reduce disaster mortality by 2030, and the…
Updates on Sendai Goals A and B
Updates on Sendai Targets A & B: Snapshot of Sendai Framework Monitor 2014-2023 By Prof Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) monitors the seven global targets of the ‘Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction…
A Global Anthropocene Earth Science Take on Avoidable Deaths
By Professor Michael G Petterson Purpose of this Article The purpose of this article, written specifically for the Avoidable Deaths Network is to: 1) present a discourse founded in some of the greatest contributions of Earth Science to human thinking;…
#InspireInclusion: International Women’s Day
By Dr. Madhulika Sahoo International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day of collective global action and celebration that belongs to all those committed to shaping women’s equality. The theme for this year IWD 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. According to the…
Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN): Building a Public Discourse on Saving Lives
By Dr. Shakuntala Pratihary “Jātasya Hi Dhruvo Mṛityu” – an important Indian philosophical statement explains the narrative that death always follows birth. But if the reason for death is occurring at a pre-matured stage of human life, then the loss…
Disaster deaths post major emergencies and how can they be reduced
By Professor Alois Hirschmugl On 12th of March, the International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths, #avoidabledeathsday, will be held. For that reason, I thought about those deaths after major emergencies that could have been avoided and how to reduce them.…
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
29 December 2023 Dear readers and the ADN community, Welcome to our fifth Newsletter for the Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN). ADN is a global membership network, dedicated to finding theoretical and practical solutions to reducing avoidable deaths from disasters. As I reflect…
Loss and Damage Funds Must Target the Most Vulnerable and Be Just
Loss and Damage Funds Must Target the Most Vulnerable and Be Just By Dr Aditya Ghosh Introduction The Loss and Damage fund finalized at the Conference of Parties (CoP) 28 must develop a mechanism to identify those most vulnerable to…
Hazards catalogue of Bangladesh and Oman: A first step in risk assessment
Hazards catalogue of Bangladesh and Oman: A first step in risk assessment By Edris Alam Introduction To develop a hazard catalogue, it requires collating recent and historical events from diverse sources, including written records, archaeological findings, and geological data (Alam…
Shine Light on an ADN’s Project: Avoidable Snakebite Deaths
Shine Light on an ADN’s Project: Avoidable Snakebite Deaths Dr Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett and Ms Lauren Macleod This year the Avoidable Deaths Network explored the feasibility and value of two novel networking models: the knowledge exchange network (KEN) model for…
Shine a Light on ADN’s Project: Junior Champions in Osaka Have Been Working on Avoiding Tsunami Deaths since 2013
Shine a Light on ADN’s Project: Junior Champions in Osaka Have Been Working on Avoiding Tsunami Deaths since 2013 By Hideyuki Shiroshita On the 12th of December 2023, Hama’s Junior Champions finished filming two films to reduce avoidable deaths from…
Perspectives on Avoidable Deaths
Mr Daniel Mendez’s Perspective on Avoidable Deaths Mr Daniel Mendez is a risk, crisis, and disaster manager with over 20 years of experience in the management of security and crisis situations at the national and local levels. Currently, Mr Mendez…
Perspectives on Avoidable Deaths
Professor A Q M Mahbub’s Perspective on Avoidable Deaths Professor Dr A Q M Mahbub is the Vice-Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Bangladesh and is a distinguished expert in disaster management. Professor Dr A Q…
Perspectives on Avoidable Deaths
Professor Norio Okada’s Perspective on Avoidable Deaths Professor Norio Okada is an Emiratus Professor at Kyoto University. He is also Advisor to Kwansei Gakuin University, Visiting Professor at Kumamoto University and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies…
Updates on Sendai Goals A and B
Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework: Implications for Avoidable Deaths Network By Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett The year 2023 marks the midpoint of the implementation of the ‘Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030’ agreement. A Midterm Review…
ADN Annual Report submitted to Institute of Environmental Futures
On 17 August 2023, Avoidable Deaths Network released its fourth Annual Report. We submitted our first Annual Report to the Institute for Environmental Futures. The Annual Report can be downloaded through this link: Download Annual Report 2022-2023
‘Gender and Technology’ at the World Anthropology Congress 2023
On 13 August 2023, Dr Madhulika Sahoo and Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett convened the panel ‘Gender and Technology’ at the World Anthropology Congress 2023 organised by KISS in Bhubaneswar, India. Four abstracts were received for this panel, and three speakers presented their…
The Turkey-Syria Earthquake: a Foucauldian case study of the degeneration of human life
By Anil Kaan Yildirim, PhD student at Leicester University: Unlike many other crises, natural disasters like earthquakes can be prepared for through regulation and legislation i.e., safety standards in construction can be strictly controlled by authorities, or after-crisis management procedures…
Exploring Argentina
By Arkoneil Ghosh: ADN Junior Champion and member of the IAD4AD Advisory Committee- I recently traveled to Argentina from 10th June to 22st June 2023. I attended the 3rd Authors Meet of Latin America in Goya, Corrientes. During the course…
Unveiling the Tragedy: Investigating the Causes and Consequences of a Devastating Train Accident
By Arkoneil Ghosh: The nation has been shaken by the recent train accident in Odisha’s Balasore. The train deviated from its intended route on Friday at 7 p.m. IST, departing from its journey that began in Kolkata on Friday afternoon…
Celebrating International Women’s Day with the Avoidable Deaths Network
By Mr. Tom Caley and Dr. Madhulika Sahoo On 8th March, the world celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD) with this year’s campaign theme as #EmbraceEquity. The IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity theme campaigns for gender equity; the latter understanding “equal opportunities are no longer enough”…
Avoidable Deaths of Migrants Attempting to Get to Europe by Sea
Avoidable Deaths of Migrants Attempting to Get to Europe by Sea By: Tony Moore Introduction At a Press Conference in April 2022, a spokesman for the United Nations Human Rights Council, the UN’s Refugee Agency, announced that more than 3,000…
Shine Light on an ADN’s Project: Regional Network for First Responders (RN4FR)
Shine Light on an ADN’s Project: Regional Network for First Responders (RN4FR) By: Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett and Steve Glovinsky A region as diverse and vulnerable as the Caribbean requires a continually vigilant, collaborative and coordinated approach to major disaster events.…
Reflecting on My Role as ADN’s Junior Champion
Reflecting on My Role as ADN’s Junior Champion By: Arkoneil Ghosh 2022 was lengthy yet intriguing for me. This is because I began working at ADN as Junior Champion from May. My first project was creating awareness on drowning deaths.…
Deaths Due to Lightning in the Tribal Regions of Odisha, India
Deaths due to lightning in the tribal regions of Odisha, India By: Dr Madhulika Sahoo and Dr Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett Lightning strikes kill people. Lightning deaths are increasing at an alarming rate in India. According to the National Disaster Management…
Junior Champions’ Work on Avoiding Deaths of Tsunamis
Junior champions in Osaka have been working on avoiding tsunami deaths since 2013 with one of the ADN’s presidents, Dr Hideyuki Shiroshita By: Dr Hideyuki Shiroshita On the 7th of December 2022, pupils aka the Junior Champions played several types…
Perspectives on Avoidable Deaths
Dr Albrecht Beck’s Perspective on Avoidable Deaths Dr Albrecht Beck is Director of Prepared International; member of the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC); and civil expert for Population Movements and Mass Evacuations for NATO. Prepared International is ADN’s…
Perspectives on Avoidable Deaths
Professor Alois Hirschmugl’s Perspective on Avoidable Deaths Professor Alois Hirschmugl is a Regular Officer, Trainer/Expert for international disaster management, and Technical Director of DMAT Consulting KG. DMAT is ADN’s Organisational Partner. Professor Alois Hirschmugl’s Interview Transcript Do you believe it…
Updates on Sendai Goals 1 and 2
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction’s Ignite Stage 2019: Opinions of Key Stakeholders By: Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett, Krishna Clarke and Daniel Mendez Introduction The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 set seven global targets of which the first two…
COP27 Round-up
COP27 Round-up By Tom Caley, ADN Writer Last weekend the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP27, overran by two days as delegates struggled for agreement. To follow up our previous post…
Loss and Damage at COP27
Loss and Damage at COP27 By Mr. Tom Caley, Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett and Mr. Alex Skinner From November 6th, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been holding its latest Conference of the Parties (COP) in…