Event Outputs


Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA)

Event Title: Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) Launch Event

Output Title: Proceedings: Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) Launch Event

Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India

Event Title: Two-Day Symposium and High-Level Round Table Meeting on Exploring the Feasibility and Value of Pioneering Partnerships to Reduce Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India

Output Title: Proceedings: Exploring the Feasibility and Value of Pioneering Partnerships to Reduce Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India

Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths

Event Title: Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths

Output Title: Proceedings: Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths

Disaster Risk Management, Emergency Services and Defence

Event Title: Symposium on Integrating Disaster Risk Management with Emergency Services and Defence to Reduce Avoidable Disaster Deaths

Output Title: Proceedings: Symposium on Integrating Disaster Risk Management with Emergency Services and Defence to Reduce Avoidable Disaster Deaths


Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India

Event Title: International Snakebite Awareness Day: Challenges and Opportunities to Reduce Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in Odisha/ India

Output Title: IEC Material for Snakebite Awareness: Five Ways to Avoid Snakebite Deaths

Output Title: Seven Steps to Prevent Snakebites

Avoidable Drowning Deaths

Event Title: Special Session on World Drowning Prevention Day: The Future of Drowning Risk in the Context of COVID-19 and Climate Change

Output Title: Avoiding Drowning Injury and Deaths in Uganda through the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2006

Output Title: Ten Ways to Prevent Drowning Deaths