15 December 2023: Advisory Board Member awarded Impact Champion

Advisory Board Member, Professor Heiko Balzter awarded Impact Champion at the The Citizens’ Awards 2023 by the University of Leicester.
Professor Balzter is the Director of the Institute for Environmental Futures and Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Leicester.
27 November 2023: Leicester expert leads fight to cut India’s annual toll of 50,000 snakebite deaths
We are very pleased to share a press release on our Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India project written by the University of Leicester.
Click here to read the article.

20 November 2023: Meeting with Apollo Hospital Groups
Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett and Dr Stephen Samuel met with three representatives of the Appollo Hospital Groups based in the UK and India. This included Dr Aswin Sayiram, Dr Prathap Chandra, and Mr Shobit Bajpai. The meeting focused on exploring opportunities to support ADN’s Field Research Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) in Odisha, India. Recently, the University of Leicester and The Apollo Hospitals Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to transform global healthcare. The details of this MoU can be read through this weblink: https://le.ac.uk/news/2023/october/apollo-hospitals

20 – 23 October 2023: Durga Puja Kolkata
The Avoidable Deaths Network India Hub participated in the Durga Puja festival in Kolkata to raise awareness of avoidable deaths.
The stalls were located in three pandals across the city in Jodhpur Park, Suruchi and Maddox Square. Ran by local and international volunteers, they attracting up to 70,000 people during the night hours.

The stalls were inaugurated by Dr. Dhriti Banerjee (Country Head and First Woman Director, Zoological Survey of India), Dr. Pratyush Mohapatra (Scientist E and Officer-In-Charge, Reptile Section, Zoological Survey of India), Dr. Badal Kumar Sahu (MBBS, DPH, MD Cardio, Diabetic and Medicine Specialist, NRS Medical College and Hospital), Mr. Sujoy Roy (National Advocacy Officer, Child in Need Institute), Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett (Convenor and Founder, Avoidable Deaths Network) and Mr. Snehendu Koner (Head of Business Development, CliniMed Lifesciences).
A Certificate of Recognition was awarded to the ADN Regional Coordinator for West Bengal, Mr. Snehendu Koner for his instrumental role in organising the event.
The ADN’s participation has been recorded by three news outlets, Ei Samay, EVT Bharat and The Times of India.

13 October 2023: Junior Champion Magazine Launch Event
The Avoidable Deaths Network Junior Champion Magazine (ISSN 2759-0380) was launched on International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction at Kalahandi University.
The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sanjay Kumar Satapathy; CPGC, Dr. Nibedita Nath, and the Assistant Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Dr. Madhulika Sahoo. The Editor, Junior Champion Master Arkoneil Ghosh shared his vision for the magazine and read one of the flood stories written by an author. Master Aryaman Nath was present on the occasion and shared his experience with the flood. ADN Presidents Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett and Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita and ADN Activity Coordinator, Ms. Lauren MacLeod joined the session virtually and acknowledged the efforts of the team. The session was attended by Professors and students at Kalahandi University.

30 September 2023: Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita Presented Avoidable Snakebite Deaths at IDRiM 2023 Conference

ADN President Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita gave a presentation on “Snakebites: Causes of Avoidable Indirect Disaster Deaths” at the International Society for the Integrated Disaster Risk Management 2023 Conference in India.
Dr. Shiroshita presented the findings of the LIAS and IEF-funded research project Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India as a concrete example of Knowledge Exchange Network and also introduced the Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) which was launched just before the conference. He brought the issues of snakebite deaths amongst the DRR community and received positive comments such as “novel and interesting”. The Abstract for this Conference was submitted by both ADN Presidents Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita and Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett.
22 September 2023: IAD4AD 2024 Internal Meeting

Twenty of our Advisory Board Members, Regional Coordinators and Operations Team Members met to discuss the campaign’s theme, targets, objectives, outputs and events for 2024.
To learn more about the global campaign, International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths, please click here.
19 September 2023: Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths Launch Event

We are pleased to announce that the ADN India Hub launched the Case Station for Avoidable Snakebite Deaths (CaSA) in at the Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra building in Burujhari village, Ganjam district in Odisha, India. The event was attended by 150 participants, including five esteemed guests, 130 people from the local community and 15 members of the virtual ADN community.
To learn more about the event, please click here. To learn more about the Case Station, please click here.
24 August 2023: Venoms and Toxins Conference, University of Oxford

Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett presented the findings of Avoidable Deaths Network’s ‘Avoidable Snakebite Deaths Project’ at the Venoms and Toxins Conference, University of Oxford. She made a case that snakebite deaths during disasters are avoidable deaths, and ADN’s knowledge exchange network (KEN) for ‘unknown issues’ and Local Level Action Network LAN) for ‘known issues’ for the high-risk groups at village level can potentially lead to reducing avoidable snakebite deaths.
23 August 2023: Panel on Gender and Technology at the World Anthropology Congress 2023

Dr. Madhulika Sahoo and Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett convened the panel ‘Gender and Technology’ at the World Anthropology Congress 2023 organised by KISS in Bhubaneswar, India. Four abstracts were received for this panel, and three speakers presented their research projects. This included Dr Kinjal Ahir from Sardar Patel University, Mr Gagan Kr Behera from Sambalpur University and Mr Sameer Kr Jena and Ms Liza Gouda from Fakir Mohan University. Dr Ahir’s presentation focussed on the sociocultural factors that negatively affect the participation of female students in STEM education, career and opportunities. Mr Gagan Behera’s presentation focussed on whether masculine representation especially of tribal elderly men in popular media reinforces the existing patriarchal male images or produces an alternative male model. And Mr Jena and Ms Gouda’s presentation focussed on the role of digital literacy, especially mobile phones can play in increasing the utility and uptake of anti-natal care. Details of this conference can be viewed through this weblink: https://wac.kiss.ac.in
18 August 2023: ADN India Hub Submits Report to Honourable Minister in Odisha

Dr. Ambika Prasad Nanda, ADN Advisor met with Mr. Pritiranjan Gharai, Honourable Minister of Rural Development, Skill Development and Technical Education of Odisha, to submit the Avoidable Snakebite Deaths Project Proceedings Report. Per Mr. Gharai’s request, the report contained four actionable recommendations for the state of Odisha.
17 August 2023: ADN Annual Report submitted to Institute of Environmental Futures

Avoidable Deaths Network released its fourth Annual Report on August 17, 2023. We submitted our first Annual Report to the Institute for Environmental Futures. The Annual Report can be downloaded through this link https://www.avoidable-deaths.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Annual-Report-2023-FINAL.pdf
17 August 2023: Call for Child Authors Contribution for Junior Champion Magazine
We are launching a Junior Champion Magazine which will be led by ADN’s junior champions Master Arkoneil Ghosh (Founding Editor) and Miss Prarthona Datta (Deputy Editor).
The first issue ‘s theme is listening to children’s experiences in the latest floods in India. We are soliciting 10-15 articles of 500 words or less from Junior Champions aged between 10 and 17 years from Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh or West Bengal. The article can be written in English, Bengali, Hindi, Assamese, or another mainstream Indian language. Pictures of high resolution are also welcome. The deadline to submit the article is 15 September 2023.
The full requirements are detailed in the abstract below.
25 July 2023: Bangladesh Chapter Marks World Drowning Prevention Day 2023 with CIPRB

A workshop was organized by CIPRB on drowning prevention day to mark the world drowning prevention day 2023. The theme of this year was do one thing, improve one things and add one thing. The welcome speech was given by Dr. AKM Fazlur Rahman, Executive Director, CIPRB. The Chief Guest of the workshop was Dr. Md. Anwar Hussain Howladar Secretary , Health Service Dept., DGFP. The special guests of the workshop consisted of Farida Yeasmin, Secretary, National Press Club; Dr. Sadhana Bhagwayat, Medical Officer and Team Lead, NCD & Mental Health, WHO, Bangladesh; Natalie McCualy, Chief , Child Protection, UNICEF; Anjir Liton, Director, Bangladesh Shishu Academy; and Prof. Dr. Abul Foyez, Professor of Medicine, Former Director, DGHS.
As a key note speaker Dr. Aminur Rahman (Director, International Drowning Prevention and Research Division, CIPRB) presented accelerating actions on drowning prevention in Bangladesh. He mentioned that drowning mostly occurred in children below the age of 18 and amongst male children. Advocacy on drowning prevention has reached a milestone in Bangladesh but still has a long way to go.

During the open discussion Dr. Fariha Haseen, a renowned public health specialist, adolescent health and gender expert and Advisor to the ADN, laid emphasis on the prevention of drowning keeping at par with the theme and mentioned the role and importance of family and family structure in prevention of drowning amongst children and adolescents.
25 July 2023: Launch of New Drowning Data Collection Projected Funded by RNLI

On World Drowning Prevention Day 25 July 2023, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new research project entitled ‘Identifying gaps in drowning data collection in low-and middle-income countries and the actors addressing them’. This collaborative research project between Avoidable Deaths Network and Centre for Injury Prevention Research, Bangladesh; Department of Trauma, Injury and Disability (Epidemiology & Prevention), Makerere University; University of Cape Town; and Aston University is funded by Royal National Lifeboat Institute. This nine-month research project will study: how drowning data has been collected in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC) settings identifying the challenges and opportunities of the processes employed; and which organisations or individuals’ work has identified challenges and opportunities in using verbal autopsy to collect context-specific and modifiable risk factors for injury deaths in LMIC settings? The findings will shed light on how drowning data is captured, and develop a minimum dataset and guidelines needed to identify modifiable risk factors for drowning for high-risk groups, as identified in the WHO’s ‘Global Report on Drowning’ in 2014. For more information, please click here.
7 July 2023: Disaster Prevention Education Management System of Taiwan’s Chiayi Country Visit to Izumiotsu, Japan with ADN
As part of the Junior Champions for Avoidable Tsunami Deaths in Japan project, Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita and Ms. Marina Yagi gave members of the Disaster Prevention Education Management System of Chiayi Country, Taiwan a day-long tour of Izumiotsu, Osaka, Japan. The day commenced with a tour of Hama Day Care Center where the delegates were briefed on their monthly evacuation drills. During these, babies and toddlers are carried or moved by teachers, whilst children aged 3-5 walk, with older children and teachers leading the younger children. The delegates were then given a tour of Hama Elementary School. The students gave a presentation on their disaster preparedness activities and taught the delegates how to play their disaster prevention games. The morning ended with a public meeting between the Taiwanese delegates with the principles of the day care centre and school.
After lunch, the delegates met with the Matsunohama community disaster prevention volunteers and were briefed on their disaster prevention map which depicts expected locations of tsunamis and evacuation routes.

The day ended with a visit at Izumiotsu City Hall, where they were given presentations on education and disaster prevention in Izumiotsu by Mr. Yamano, the Board of Education’s Guidance Division Supervisor and Mr. Masakari, Izumiotsu City’s Crisis Management Supervisor.
The members of the Disaster Prevention Education Management System of Chiayi Country in Taiwan, the teachers, city officials, and volunteers who participated in the exchange in Japan expressed satisfaction and a desire to continue the interaction.

25 June 2023: Inauguration of Oman Country Chapter
A new country chapter of ADN was inaugurated on 25 June 2023 in Al Buraimi, Oman. The event was hosted at the YAS Centre for Environment and Health by Mr. Mohammed Ali Said Al Badi, ADN Advisory Board Member and Chairman of the YAS Centre for Environment and Health (a unit of the YAS Hospital). The Founding President of ADN, Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett, and the ADN Catalogue of Avoidable Disaster Deaths Expert, Dr. Edris Alam, were among the attendees, along with other members of the new Oman Chapter.
The event was an opportunity to share the vision and mission of ADN, discuss the current challenges and opportunities for disaster risk reduction in Oman, and explore potential collaborations and partnerships among the stakeholders. For more information, please click here.
18 June 2023: Inauguration of Bangladesh Country Chapter
On 18 June 2023, the Bangladesh Chapter of the Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN) was inaugurated at the University of Dhaka. The State Minister of Disaster Management and Relief, Rt. Hon. Dr Md. Emanur Rahman, the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dhaka, Professor A.S.M. Maksud Kamal, the Vice Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Professor A.Q.M. Mahbub, graced the event. The event attracted 100 attendees and featured the Founding Presidents of ADN, Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett and Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita and India Hub lead, Mr Dillip Pattanaik .
The Bangladesh Chapter aims to reduce avoidable deaths from disasters by promoting research, education and advocacy. The Chapter is led by Dr. Fatima Akter, Associate Professor of Meteorology at the University of Dhaka, in collaboration with Mr. Maqbul Hossen Bhuiyan, Executive Director of Data Management Aid. The Chapter has a Steering Committee and an Advisory Board comprising experts and practitioners from various disaster risk reduction and resilience fields. For more information, please click here.
20 June 2023: Regional Coordinator Appointed National Emergency Coordinator at the National Emergency Management Organisation Belize
ADN congratulates Mr. Daniel Mendez on being appointed the new National Emergency Coordinator at Belize’s National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO).
Mr. Mendez is the ADN Regional Coordinator for Belize.
For more information on his new appointment, please click here.
13 June 2023: Organising committee meeting for the launch of ADN Bangladesh Chapter

ADN Regional Coordinator, Bangladesh, and Chairperson & Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dr. Fatima Akter, held a meeting with members of the organizing committee for ADN Bangladesh Chapter and the ADN Collaborator Mr. Maqbul Hossain Bhuiyan from Data Management Aid in attendance.
The meeting finalized the venue, program schedule, and budget for the launch of the ADN Bangladesh Chapter. The event is scheduled for 18 June 2023 at 10:00 am at the Prof. M A Latif Auditorium, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka.
The team is optimistic that the ADN Bangladesh Chapter launch will mark the start of a meaningful and effective mission to prevent avoidable disaster deaths in Bangladesh.
To learn more about launching an ADN Country Chapter, please click this link https://www.avoidable-deaths.net/join/launching-an-adn-country-chapter/
31 May 2023: Planning meeting for the launch of ADN Oman Chapter

ADN Advisor, and Chairman YAS Medical Group, Mohammed Ali Said Al Badi presided over a meeting with the members of the Organising Committee for ADN Oman Chapter to discuss and plan the launching of the country chapter. The meeting took place in the YAS Hospital Conference Room.
The items discussed at the meeting include the event date scheduled for 25 June 2023 at YAS Hospital Al Buraimi Oman. The committee also discussed the program agenda, guests and participants, logistics, event staff, and volunteers.
The team is confident that the ADN Oman Chapter launch will begin a significant and impactful journey towards reducing avoidable deaths and improving healthcare in Oman.
To learn more about launching an ADN Country Chapter, please click this link https://www.avoidable-deaths.net/join/launching-an-adn-country-chapter/
26 May 2023: Welcoming 17 New Regional Coordinators

On 26 May 2023, through a Zoom meeting, the ADN’s President and Convenor Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennet welcomed 17 new Regional Coordinators (RC). The RC role is for a commitment of a two-year period. The role of a new RC commences on the 1st of March. The responsibilities of the RC are currently flexible and take into consideration the individual’s expertise, capacity, and region. Since 2019, ADN had 25 RCs representing different regions of the world. Of these 25, 17 are current RCs. To learn more about our RCs please click this link: https://www.avoidable-deaths.net/regional-coordinators/
23 May 2023: Article published on ‘Avoidable Deaths: Snakes and Snakebites’ in Big Wire
The article entitled ‘Avoidable Deaths: Snakes and Snakebites’ written by an ADN India Hub Advisory Board Member,
20 March 2023: ADN Welcomes Four New Regional Coordinators

We would like to welcome four new Regional Coordinators for the period of March 2023 to February 2025: Dr. Jebunnessa Chapola (Canada), Dr. Ranjan Datta (Canada), Ms. Josette Edward-Charlemagne (Saint Lucia) and Mr. Snehendu Koner (India).
Additionally, we would like to thank 11 Regional Coordinators who are continuing their roles as Regional Coordinators for the period of March 2023 to February 2025: Mr. Daniel Mendez (Belize), Mr. Krishna Clarke (Barbados), Dr. Azukaego Nnaji (Nigeria), Dr. Yazidhi Bamutaze (Uganda), Dr. Inshah Malik (Afghanistan), Ms. Shaiza Khawaja (Pakistan), Mr. Dillip Pattanaik (India), Ms. Anuradha Bhardwaj (India), Mr. Mahendra Jagath (Sri Lanka), Dr. Edris Alam (Bangladesh) and Dr. Fatima Akter (Bangladesh).
The responsibilities of the RC are currently flexible and takes into consideration the individual’s expertise, capacity, and region. For more information, please click here.
19 March 2023: ADN Published Highlight of ‘Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths’
On 19 March 2023, ADN published a one-page highlight of the ‘Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)‘.
To read and download our one-page highlight please click here.
Please click on the following links for more information:
28 March 2023: Down To Earth Published Avoidable Snakebite Deaths Article Written by ADN Team
India’s Down To Earth published an article authored by Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett, Mr. Tom Caley and Dr. Stephen Samuel, entitled ‘Right anti-venom, given on time, can reduce snakebite deaths in India‘.
To read the article, please click here.
14 March 2023: ADN International Delegates Lunch Visit Kansai University’s Senriyama Campus

On 14 March 2023, nine international delegates toured the Kansai University Senriyama campus and met with Professor Takao Fujita (Vice President), Professor Eiichi Yamamoto (Vice Dean, Division of International Affairs), Ms. Yuko Ogura (Deputy Manager, International Liaison Office) and Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita for lunch to discuss International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD).
To learn about IAD4AD, please click here.
13 March 2023: Launch of ADN Awards Ceremony

On 13 March 2023, Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita and Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett launched two new awards. The Presidents’ Awards were bestowed upon Ms. Denise Corsel (ADN Operations Manager) and Mr. Shahidul Hoque (ADN Activity Coordinator) and the Future Leader Award was given to Ms. Lauren MacLeod (ADN Research Administrator) for their commitment to ADN.
Certificates of appreciation were awarded to the Mayor of Izumiotsu, Mr. Minamide Kenichi and ADN Advisor, Mr. Mohammed Ali Said Ali Albadi for their contribution to the International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD) Campaign.
13 March 2023: Launch of Professor Peter Jackson’s Annual Lecture

On 13 March 2023, ‘Professor Peter Jackson’s Annual Lecture’ was launched at ‘Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)’ in Izumiotsu Japan. This inaugural lecture was delivered by multi-award-winning Professor Rajib Shaw (Keio University).
To listen to Professor Rajib Shaw’s presentation, please click here. To read about the late Professor Peter Jackson (ADN Advisor and Professor of Economics and Strategies at the University of Leicester’s School of Business), please click here.
13 March 2023: Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)

On 13 March 2023, ‘Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)’ took place at Texpia Osaka in Izumiotsu, Japan. IAD4AD was officially launched by Ms. Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction. The event was graced by 22 esteemed speakers, including our Junior Champions and the Mayor of Izumiotsu, Mr. Minamide Kenichi.
To watch the ‘Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)’ event, please click here. To watch Ms. Mami Mizutori launch IAD4AD, please click here.
13 March 2023: ADN International Delegates Visit Hama Elementary School in Izumiotsu, Japan

On 13 March 2023, ten international delegates visited ADN’s Junior Champions at Hama Elementary School in Izumiotsu to play 12 disaster risk reduction developed by the children under the guidance of Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita.
To learn about Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita’s work at Hama Elementary School, please click here.
12 March 2023: Celebration of ADN’s 4th Birthday and the Launch of International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)

On 12 March 2023, the Avoidable Deaths Network celebrated their fourth birthday and launch of a global campaign, declaring 12 March as the ‘International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths’ (IAD4AD) at Kansai University in Osaka, Japan. The day was commemorated with a brainstorming session on what the success of IAD4AD would look like.
To learn about IAD4AD, please click here
12 March 2023: The Times of India Published Article on the Launch of International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)
The Times of India published an article authored by Hemanta Pradhan entitled ‘Global campaign inspired by Odisha’s disaster mgmt‘ praising the launch of the IAD4AD campaign in Izumiotsu on 13 March 2023.
To read the article, please click here.
11 March 2023: Kansai University Published Article on the Launch of International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)

Kansai University published an article entitled ‘回避可能な死のネットワーク「回避可能な死の国際啓発デー」‘ [Avoidable Deaths Network’s International Day of Avoidable Deaths] in their event calendar detailing the launch of the IAD4AD campaign in Izumiotsu on 13 March 2023.
To read the article, please click here.
10 March 2023: Sri Lanka Marks International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)
Regional Coordinator – Sri Lanka, Mr. K.G. Mahendra Jagath celebrated ADN’s fourth birthday with a session on the launch of International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths.

7 March 2023: Jomo News Published Article on International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)

Japanese news outlet Jomo News published an article entitled ‘関西大学が「回避可能な死の国際啓発デー」を開催‘ [Kansai University Holds International Awareness Day of Avoidable Deaths] on the launch of the IAD4AD campaign in Izumiotsu on 13 March 2023.
To read the article, please click here.
11 March 2023: Announcement of Professor Peter Jackson’s Annual Lecture
In memory of the late Professor Peter Jackson (ADN Advisor and Professor of Economics and Strategies at the University of Leicester School of Business), we are extremely delighted to launch ‘Professor Peter Jackson’s Annual Lecture’. This inaugural lecture will be delivered by multi-award winning Professor Rajib Shaw (Keio University) on Monday 13 March at the ‘Launch of a Global Campaign: International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths (IAD4AD)’ in Izumiotsu, Osaka Japan. Professor Rajib Shaw will present ‘Launching of Professor Peter Jackson’s Annual Lecture: Value of Mentoring Future Leaders for Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development’ in Part 2: Remarks from Senior Officials and Official Launch. We are very grateful to Mrs. Pat Jackson, the widow of Professor Peter Jackson for giving us her blessing for this launch.
For more information on how to register to attend in person or watch online please click here.
14 February 2023: ADN Article on the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Published in Down To Earth Magazine

Magazine article written by ADN’s Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett and Mr. Tom Caley is published in the Down To Earth magazine.
Entitled, Turkey-Syria Earthquakes: Reducing Avoidable Indirect Deaths, this article details how ‘Trauma, grief and loss of livelihood, among others, are some imminent dangers to survivors’ (Ray-Bennett and Caley, 2023).
Citation: Ray-Bennett, N.S. Caley, T. (2023) ‘Turkey-Syria Earthquakes: Reducing Avoidable Indirect Deaths‘, Down To Earth. Available online at: downtoearth.org.in.
14 February 2023: ADN Announces Launch of Global Campaign, Declaring 12 March as the International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths

The Avoidable Deaths Network is launching a global campaign, declaring 12 March as the ‘International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths’ (IAD4AD).
The campaign slogan is ‘Disaster Deaths Are Avoidable’ with the ultimate goal of saving lives.
This global campaign aims to raise the visibility of indirect disaster deaths and missing persons.

The IAD4AD will be officially launched in Izumiotsu city, Japan on 13 March 2023 and headlined by Ms. Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
The launch event is funded by Kansai University, University of Leicester, Institute for Environmental Futures and ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Event/Networking Fund.
Join us to celebrate this day annually.
Please use #avoidabledeathsday as a common term for all social media posts.
To find out more, visit: https://iad4ad.avoidable-deaths.net/
12 February 2023: Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal: List of Reliable and Legitimate Organisations Seeking Donations

Dr. Ayse Yildiz from the University of Leicester School of Business developed a resource to help people donate to reliable and legitimate organisations in the aftermath of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake.
To download and share, please click here.
19 January 2023: Special Session Workshop on Building Capacity of Health Journalists on Reporting Disasters Triggered by Natural Hazards and Human Activities
Dr Hideyuki Shiroshita Dr Aditya Ghosh Ghosh and Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett delivered a Special Session entitled ‘Avoidable Deaths and Avoidable Disaster Deaths’ as part of the ‘National Training Workshop: Building Capacity of Health Journalists Triggered by Natural Hazards and Human Activities’ in Pakistan.’

The National Workshop was organised by ICCBS, University of Karachi, the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), the Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN) and Sindh Innovation Research Educational Network (SIREN).
The National Workshop was inaugurated by the Sindh’s Parliamentary Secretary of Health, Rt. Hon. Qasim Siraj Soomro. According to the Health Secretary “fake information required to be replaced with research-based news stories by qualified journalists.”
According to Avoidable Deaths Network Future Leader and Knowledge Exchange Public Engagement Coordinator Dr Nimra Iqbal Choudhary : “Health journalism is a highly technical branch of mass communication that requires not only writing skills but also fundamental understanding of various health issues, complex reasons behind them, and their socio-economic impact. Therefore, national training workshops such as ours led by ICCBS, SIREN, PAS and ADN are needed in Pakistan to equip the journalists with knowledge and health-related issues to reduce avoidable direct and indirect disaster deaths for sustainable development”.
The ADN session was attended by 35 journalists in person and 40 other participants virtually. The session and training were much appreciated by the attendees.