As part of the project ‘Exploring the Feasibility and Value of a Pioneering Partnership to Reduce Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India‘, we hosted a Two-Day Symposium in collaboration with the ADN India Hub, led by the Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association (OSVSWA) in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
This Two-Day Symposium entitled ‘Exploring the Feasibility and Value of Pioneering Partnerships and a Knowledge-Sharing Network to Reduce Avoidable Snakebite Deaths in India‘ consisted of a Brainstorming Workshop (Day 1) and Experts’ Presentations (Day 2).
Concept Note
For more information on this Two-Day Symposium, please download and read the concept note below.
The Brainstorming Workshop was a closed event which took place at Hotel New Marion on Tuesday 20 June 2023. It focused on the nitty-gritty of context-specific knowledge-sharing network (KSN) by exploring:
1. “Who are we?” (the focus)
2. “What issues do we talk about?” (the scope)
3. “Who are the members?” (membership)
4. “Who are the leaders?” (leadership).
This session was moderated by Mr. Steve Glovinsky (ADN Advisor and PeerConnect).

The Experts’ Presentations took place at Hotel Suryansh on Wednesday 21 June 2023. It featured 20 expert speakers who presented challenges and opportunities to reduce snakebite deaths in India and their level of acceptability to own and lead context-specific knowledge-sharing network in Odisha, Assam and Madhya Pradesh.
Our speakers from across the country delivered speeches underpinned by the following questions:
1. What in your view could be done to reduce the number of snakebite deaths in India?
2. What are the issues facing your own occupation that constrain your ability to reduce the number of snakebite deaths?
3. What do you think would be gained through increased communication and coordination between the persons in your occupation and with the persons in the other occupations engaged in snakebite mitigation?
4. If a virtual network were set up connecting all professionals engaged in mitigating snakebite deaths in India, how interested would you be in participating?
Speakers and Chairs
Mr. Dillip Pattanaik, Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association, Odisha.
Dr. Ambika Prasad Nanda, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tata Steel, Odisha.
Mr. Pritiranjan Gharai, Honourable Minister of Rural Development, Skill Development and Technical Education, Odisha.
Mr. Sudam Marandi, Honourable Minister of School and Mass Education, Odisha.
Dr. Gyana Ranjan Das, Odisha State Disaster Management Authority, Odisha.
Dr. Omesh Bharti, State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Himachal Pradesh.
Dr. Sanghamitra Pati, Indian Council of Medical Research, Odisha.
Dr. Matthew Lewin, Ophirex, Inc., California.
Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita, Disaster Mitigation and Safety Education, Kansai University, Japan.
Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett, Risk Management, University of Leicester.
Dr. Stephen Samuel, Ophirex Inc., England.
Mr. Steve Glovinsky, PeerConnect, New York.
Dr. Amarendra Mohapatra, Indian Council of Medical Research, Odisha.
Local At-Risk Community, Ganjam and Puri, Odisha. (details to be provided by Dillip)
Mr. Viki Gupta, People for Animals, Odisha.
Mr. Gnaneswar Ch, Madras Crocodile Bank Trust, Tamil Nadu.
Dr. G.V. Ramana Rao, EMRI Green Health Services, Telangana.
Professor Kevin Tansey, Institute for Environmental Futures, University of Leicester, England.
Dr. Sudipta Ranjan Singh, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Odisha.
Dr. Jaideep Menon, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kerala.
Dr. Nishant Saxena, Indian Council of Medical Research – National Institute of Research in Tribal Health, Madhya Pradesh.
Dr. Milind Khadilkar, Premium Serums, Maharashtra.
Dr. Surajit Giri, Demow Rural Community Health Centre, Assam.
Mr. Rom Whitaker, Madras Crocodile Bank Trust, Tamil Nadu.
Mr. Subhendu Mallik, Snake Helpline, Odisha.
Col. Sanjay Srivastava, Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council, Delhi.
Mr. Mihir Bhatt, All India Disaster Mitigation Institute, Gujarat.

Watch Live
This event was streamed live to YouTube.
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[Only medical measures and public awareness can prevent snakebite deaths]
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