April 2020 to October 2022 – Social Distancing: Cross-Cultural Perspectives from Bangladesh, India, Japan and the UK
The aim of this research project is to explore how social distancing is being defined, perceived and practiced by national governments and household during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh, India, Japan and the UK.
19 October 2022: Preparing to submit an article to the ADN Newsletter 2022.
13 May 2022: Analysis is ongoing.
3 December 2020: Key informant interviews have been completed in Bangladesh and in the UK.
27 October 2020: The online questionnaire has closed. We will now start the second phase of our data collection through key informant interviews in each of the four countries.
31 July 2020: The distribution of the questionnaire in Japanese commenced.
19 June 2020: The data collection has started through the use of an online questionnaire on social distancing. This questionnaire has been distributed in Leicestershire, UK and Bhubaneswar, India. Currently, the questionnaire is also being translated into Bengali and Japanese so that it can also be distributed in Dhaka, Bangladesh and in Takatsuki city, Japan.
1 June 2020: Pilot testing of the questionnaire on social distancing commenced.
15 May 2020: Ethical approval from the University of Leicester was received.
April 2020: A thorough and systematic analysis of literature on social distancing practices commenced.
29 March 2020: The project was conceived.