21 December 2019 – ADN’s First Newsletter
The Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN) is proud to announce that we have published our first newsletter. All members will have received it by email but it can also be found here.
18 December 2019 – Official Launch of the ADN – India Office
We are thrilled to let announce that the ADN – India office was officially launched on 18 December 2019. Ms. Neelam Mkhijani, the Country Director Childfund, and Dr. Ambika Prasad Nanda, head CSR Odisha of Tata Steel were the guest of honor for the event. Special thanks to our regional coordinator, Mr Dilip Pattanaik for his perseverance to set up the first ADN Office in Odisha. ADN welcome interns, researchers and practitioners from India and beyond to undertake research, network and advocate avoidable deaths in Odisha.
16 December 2019 – Job vacancy for ADN Networking Officer
The ADN has a vacancy for the position of ‘Networking Officer’ at University of Leicester. If interested, please apply by 1 January 2020. For details, please see the following link: https://www.unitemps.com/Search/JobDetails/23734
3 December 2019 – Presentation by ADN’s President at UCL
On the 3rd of December 2019, Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett presented her research ‘RHCC Intervention: Strengthening the delivery of reproductive health care during floods in Bangladesh’ at the University College London’s Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR).
8 November 2019 – ADN’s First Stakeholders Meeting
We are very pleased to let you know that we have successfully conducted our first stakeholders meeting for the Avoidable Deaths Network on the 8th of November 2019 at the University of Leicester. The meeting was attended by our two regional coordinators from India and Uganda, Mr Dillip Pattanaik and Ms Pamela Komujuni Kalule, respectively. The meeting was also attended by a number of stakeholders, including: Dr Ataur Rahman and Nimisha Goswami (International Planned Parenthood Federation-South Asia Region Office), Major Simon Oxley (Ministry of Defence), Maqbul Bhuiyna (Data Management Aid), Dr Ambika Prasad Nanda (TISCO), David Wales (National Fire Council Service Rep) – among others. We will be organising national level workshops in India, Bangladesh and Uganda. We will extend our invitation to the ADN community nearer to the date.
7 November 2019 – Showcased Research at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences
Funded by ESRC and ESRC-Impact Acceleration Account, Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett successfully organised and showcased her research project ‘Reproductive Health in Disasters’ at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences on 7 November 2019 at the University of Leicester. The event was attended by Dr. Ataur Rahman (International Planned Parenthood Federation-South Asia Region Office (IPPF-SAR), Bangkok), Mrs Nimisha Goswami (IPPF-SAR, New Delhi), Dr. Fariha Haseen (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Bangladesh), Mr. Maqbul Bhuiyna (Data Management Aid, Bangladesh), Mr Steve Glovinsky (Ex UNDP, USA), and Dr Eva Luksaite (Keele University).
October 2019 – Award of Leicester’s GCRF and Tiger Team Funding
The ADN team has been awarded Leicester’s GCRF and Tiger Team Funding to develop research and networking themes in the ADN HUBS in India, Bangladesh and Uganda.
17 August 2019 – ADN’s President, Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett was part of a Study in India
The article titled: “Landless Dalits, Hit Hardest by Disasters”, written by Mahima A. Jain, a freelance journalist, is worth reading. Please click here to access it. It is moving. It is poignant. It is well researched. It tells us that the disaster management system in India is still lagging behind in including caste and class issues into response, recovery, rehabilitation and planning. According to Nibedita,
It was a privilege to be part of this study.
5 June 2019 – ADN’s Regional Coordinator is Joining Future Earth
We would like to congratulate ADN’s Regional Coordinator, Sophie Hebden, in her new role.
She will be leaving NCEO at the University of Leicester to take up a research co-ordinator role with Future Earth, seconded to the European Space Agency Climate Office at Harwell. She will be working to link projects and programmes within ESA and Future Earth to maximise the use of Earth Observations for sustainability-related research, innovation and policy. This is an excellent opportunity for her as it maintains her work in international collaboration/networking and we hope very much to continue to be in contact with her in this new job. We wish Sophie all the very best for the future.
Find out more about Sophie Hebden and our other Regional Coordinators – https://www.avoidable-deaths.net/regional-coordinators/
20-24 May 2019 – ADN Advisory Board Member is Attending the Global Pathfinder Summit
One of the ADN’s Advisory Board member from Africa, Patience Andrew will be joining over 150 emerging leaders from 51 countries to shape the future of civic leadership at the Global Pathfinder Summit in Virginia USA from the 20th to 24th May 2019. She will be sharing some thoughts on the need for strong and people-powered democracy for policy development in Education, reduction in mortality rate and youth leadership in Africa. She will also grace the summit with a poetry performance centering on themes of, race, insurgency, corruption, politics, democracy, economics and Africa’s continuous underdevelopment.
Find out more about Patience Andrew and our other Advisory Board members – https://www.avoidable-deaths.net/our-team/
For more information about the Global Pathfinder Summit – http://globalpathfindersummit.org/
17 May 2019 – ADN Presentation at the IGNITE Stage at the Global Platform for DRR
Our founding president, Dr Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett presented on the IGNITE Stage at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
#GP2019 in Geneva, Switzerland on the 17th of May 2019. Her talk was entitled: Avoidable deaths: putting the Sendai Framework’s Global Target One into Action. The ADN is explicitly focused on achieving the SFDRR Framework’s Goal 1, significantly reducing deaths in disasters. ADN is also working towards achieving the SDGS.
For more information and to see the presentation, please click here.
To see more pictures taken at the Global Platform, please check out ADN’s Photo Gallery
10 May 2019 – Cyclone ‘Fani’ Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) Report
The Inter Agency Group Odisha has published a ‘Joint Rapid Needs Assessment Report’ for the cyclone Fani. On the 3rd of May, Fani took the form of a very severe Tropical Cyclone (Category 4), with an estimated maximum sustained surface wind speed of 175-185 km/h gusting to 210 km/h crossing Odisha coast. According to Government sources, there were 41 deaths and severe damage to 16,659 villages. In total, 15.09 million people across 14 districts in Odisha have been affected by the cyclone. To read more about the extent of the damages caused by the cyclone and the assessment’s findings, please read the report: https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cyclone-e2809cfanie2809d-joint-rapid-needs-assessment-report-2019.pdf
7 May 2019 – ADN Regional Coordinator is playing a pivotal role in Cyclone Fani Recovery
Dillip Pattanaik, our RC for Odisha and India, is working with the Inter-Agency Group of Odisha in the post-Cyclone Fani rapid assessment. Dillip is also the Executive Director of Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association (OSVSWA), who will be assisting with these efforts. We wish Dillip, and the rest of those assisting with the recovery from Cyclone Fani, good luck. It is worth mentioning that without the efforts of such groups, we might have witnessed far more #avoidabledeaths in Odisha last week.
6 May 2019 – ADN Regional Coordinator’s work informs Child Protection in Disaster Policy in Belize and the Caribbean:
Our Regional Coordinator for North America and the Caribbean, Daniel Mendez, attended the 2nd Caribbean Safe School Ministerial Forum in St. Vincent and Grenadines on 29 and 30 April, where he chaired a panel on Child Protection in Emergencies. He also presented the results of his consultancy with UNICEF Belize, “The Protocol for the Integrated Protection of Children and Adolescents in Disaster Situations in Belize” — which Daniel has been working on with his colleague Dr. Minerva Pinelo of Right Insights. The Protocol is now developing into a regional effort. As such, the protocol will be presented to the Caribbean as a model for achieving child protection in emergencies. This is a great example of how the ADN network can enhance policy to help reduce Avoidable Deaths in disasters.
30 April 2019 – The Avoidable Deaths Network is now on PreventionWeb
The ADN now has an organisational profile on PreventionWeb. We look forward to updating and sharing our news and activities on this profile in future. Please see the link to the profile here: https://www.preventionweb.net/organizations/27087/
29 May 2019 – ADN Regional Coordinator advising the UN on post-Idai needs assessment
The ADN’s Regional Coordinator for Kenya and East Africa, Samuel Akera – Project Management Specialist/Project Manager for UNDP-IGAD Resilience Project, Nairobi – is providing technical assistance to the UN’s post-Idai needs assessment. This will help Beira to Build Back Better and prevent Avoidable Deaths in future. The need for such work is painfully visible in the on-going situation in Northern Mozambique, where Cyclone Kenneth is currently causing widespread damage.
Samuel has posted about this on his Facebook profile:
17 May 2019 – ADN has been invited to present at the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
We are pleased to announce that the ADN has been invited to present at the IGNITE Stage of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, Switzerland, on the 17th of May at 2pm.
The aim of this presentation is to raise awareness about the ADN and the Sendai Framework’s Global Target One and Two, which are aimed at reducing global deaths and the number of people affected due to disasters, as well as six Sustainable Development Goals (1, 2, 3, 6, 11 and 17), which are geared towards reducing human deaths from poverty, hunger, disease, accidents, crises, disasters and other causes. The presentation will introduce the ADN and involve an interactive session with the audience to discuss the following questions:
- How to reduce disaster deaths;
- Is it feasible to hit the Sendai’s first two Global Targets by 2030?
- What are good practices to reduce disaster deaths?
- Who is responsible to reduce disaster deaths?
If you’re attending the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, please do try to attend the presentation. You can find out more about the GPDRR here: https://www.unisdr.org/conference/2019/globalplatform/home
12 March 2019 – ADN’s Official Launch at GADRI
The ADN was officially launched at the 4th Summit of Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) at Kyoto University on the 12th of March 2019. This was done during the side event, titled: Future Leaders for Risk, Crisis, Disaster and Development Management. For more information, please click here.
The launch was attended by the ADN’s Presidents, Dr. Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett and Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita, and the Operation Manager, Mrs. Denise Corsel. There were 24 GADRI participants from across the world. We were also pleased to see the attendance of Dr. Pedro Rodriguez Veiga from the University of Leicester’s Centre for Landscape and Climate Research (CLCR).
3 February 2019 – ADN’s Launch of Website and Facebook
The ADN welcomes you to view our recently launched bespoke website and Facebook page. Please like and share our pages to follow the ADN’s news, research and interesting information related to avoidable deaths.
25 January 2019 – Regional Coordinators have joined ADN
We welcome the new Regional Coordinators who have joined our network. To check them out, please click here.