Welcome to the ADN

The Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN) is a diverse, dynamic, inclusive and innovative global membership network dedicated to avoiding human deaths from natural hazards, naturally triggered technological hazards and human-made disasters in low- and middle-income countries.

The ADN’s mission is: to provide a dynamic forum for experts, practitioners, researchers and organisational partners to identify and promote theoretical and practical solutions to reducing avoidable deaths.

The ADN’s purpose is: to help policy makers, practitioners, researchers make better decisions to save lives and injuries for sustainable development.

The ADN is led by the Universities of Leicester and Kansai. 

The ADN was founded by Dr. Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett (Associate Professor in Risk Management, University of Leicester) and Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita (Associate Professor in Disaster Education, Kansai University) in 2018, and officially launched at the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) in Kyoto on the 12th of March 2019.

The ADN is inspired by Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett’s research monograph on Avoidable Deaths: A Soft-Systems Approach to Disaster Risk Management (Springer Nature, 2017).

Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett and Dr. Hideyuki Shiroshita met at Northumbria University’s Disaster and Development Centre (DDC) in 2007. Since then, they have collaborated in a number of research projects.


Upcoming Events

We will be announcing more events soon.


19 September 2023
Launch of ADN Case Station



International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths

The Avoidable Deaths Network launched a global campaign, declaring 12 March as the ‘International Awareness Day for Avoidable Deaths’ (IAD4AD).

The campaign slogan is ‘Disaster Deaths Are Avoidable’ with the ultimate goal of saving lives.

This global campaign aims to raise the visibility of indirect disaster deaths and missing persons. 

Join us to celebrate this day annually. 

Please use #avoidabledeathsday as a common term for all social media posts.

To find out more, please click here.

ADN’s Members from Around the World

ADN's Members from Around the World

*Please note that the above map is abstract and only representational.